Hitachi 43R80 VS Philips 43
Hitachi 43R80
  • Brand - Hitachi
  • Updated_at - 2023-12-18 19:07:23
Philips 43
  • Brand - Philips
  • Updated_at - 2024-01-23 08:10:06


Specification Hitachi 43R80 Philips 43
Video File Formats
Avi -
Other MKV, TS -
Mov -
Mp4 -
Wmv -
Artificial Intelligence
Amazon Alexa Compatible -
Google Assistant -
Video File Codecs
H.263 -
H.264 -
H.265 -
Divx -
Other MKV, TS -
Mpeg-4 -
Pixel Pitch, Cm/in 0.024/0.009 -
Panel Bit Depth, Bits -
Native Refresh Rate, Hz -
Backlight Technology Direct LED -
Panel Technology -
Pixel Density, Ppi 104 -
Dolby Surround -
Dolby Atmos -
Speakers Power, W 16 -
Speakers stereo -
Dts Decoder -
Audio File Formats
Ogg -
Flac -
Ac3 -
Aac -
Wav -
Wma -
Mp3 -
Other MKV, TS -
Dimensions, Weight And Color
Height With Stand, Cm/in 60.96/24 -
Width With Stand, Cm/in 96/37.79 -
Weight, Kg/lbs 8.4/18.52 -
Depth, Cm/in 7.37/2.9 -
Height, Cm/in 56.13/22.09 -
Width, Cm/in 96/37.79 -
Colors black -
Weight With Stand, Kg/lbs 8.6/18.96 -
Depth With Stand, Cm/in 21.34/8.4 -
Wi-fi 5ghz -
Wi-fi -
Analog Audio Output (3.5 Mm) 1 -
Optical Digital Audio Output (s/pdif) 1 -
Composite Video Input 1 -
Usb 1 -
Bluetooth -
Display Height, Cm/in 52.94/20.84 -
Display Width, Cm/in 94.13/37.05 -
Screen Design flat -
Display Type VA -
High Dynamic Range (hdr) HDR10 -
Resolution, Pixels 3840 x 2160 -
Aspect Ratio 16:9 -
Full Hd -
Refresh Rate, Hz 120 -
4k/uhd -
Display Colors 1.07 billion -
Screen Size, Inch 43 -
Display Area, % 92.12 -
Camera -
Microphone -
Landscape/portrait Pivot -
Removable Stand -
Vesa Interface 200 x 400 -
Vesa Mount -
2d To 3d has not -
3d -
Internet Movie Streaming
Other MKV, TS -
Hbo -
Amazon Video -
Hulu -
Netflix -
Viewing Angles
Vertical, Degrees 178 -
Horizontal, Degrees 178 -
Recording Features
Watch And Record -
Digital Recording -
Tv Tuner
Digital -
Analog -
Model -
Mobile Features
Mobile App -
Display Type VA -
Screen Sizes In Series 43, 60 -
Brand Hitachi Philips
Smart Tv -
Video Features
Aspect Ratio 16:9 -
Refresh Rate - 60 Hz
Item Weight - 22 Pounds
Unique Features
Voice Remote -
In The Box
Remote Control -

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